Terapia Visual é um tratamento não cirúrgico, eficaz para muitos problemas visuais comuns como: Ambliopia (olho preguiçoso), Estrabismo, visão dupla, problemas de focagem ocular, Insuficiência de Convergência e algumas dificuldades de leitura e aprendizagem. Muitos pacientes a quem foi dito “é demasiado tarde” ou “terá de aprender a viver com isto” encontraram a solução para os seus problemas com a Terapia Visual.
No caso das dificuldades de aprendizagem, a Terapia Visual é especialmente dirigida no sentido de resolver problemas que interferem com a leitura. Os Optometristas não reivindicam que a Terapia Visual é o único tratamento para os distúrbios de aprendizagem, pois muitas vezes eles derivam de vários fatores.
Ao contrário de outras formas de exercício, o objetivo da Terapia Visual não é fortalecer os músculos oculares. Os seus músculos oculares já são incrivelmente fortes. A Terapia Visual não deve ser confundida com alguns programas de exercícios de auto-ajuda para os olhos, propagados de forma pouco científica e rigorosa. Existe ampla evidência científica sobre a eficácia da Terapia Visual na modificação e melhoria das desordens oculomotoras, acomodativas e binoculares, medidas por métodos clínicos e testes laboratoriais padronizados, na maioria dos pacientes de todas as idades, desde que seja corretamente empregada e realizada.
- The course and effect of visual training on the vergence system.
- Effect of Vergence Adaptation and Positive Fusional Vergence Training on Oculomotor Parameters.
- Randomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children.
- Treatment of accommodative dysfunction in children: results from a randomized clinical trial.
- Effect of orthoptics upon the ability of patients to adapt to prism-induced heterophoria.
- Reduction of asthenopia in patients with convergence insufficiency after fusional vergence training.
- The effect of orthoptic treatment upon the vergence adaptation mechanism.
- Are orthoptic exercises an effective treatment for convergence and fusion deficiencies?
- The efficacy of vision therapy for convergence excess.
- Success in strabismus therapy: a literature review.
- Wide-field stimulation in strabismus.
- Fusion exercises for treatment of intermittent exotropia and phoria.
- Optometric therapy of divergence excess strabismus
- Biofeedback enhanced strabismus therapy.
- Oculomotor biofeedback therapy for exotropia.
- Management of intermittent exotropia using a combination of vision therapy and surgery.
- Intermittent exotropia: comparison of treatments.
- Interventions for strabismic amblyopia.
- Long-term effectiveness of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children.
- Treatment of convergence insufficiency in childhood: a current perspective.
- Improvement in academic behaviors after successful treatment of convergence insufficiency.
- Non-surgical interventions for convergence insufficiency.
- Convergence insufficiency and its current treatment.
- Treatment of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular dysfunctions: a systematic review.
- Efficacy of vision therapy for convergence insufficiency in an adult male population.
- Accommodation and the relationship to subjective symptoms with near work for young school children.
- Accommodative function in school children with reading difficulties.
- Visual predictors of reading performance in kindergarten and first grade children.
- On voluntary ocular accommodation.
- Objective assessment of accommodation orthoptics: 1. dynamic insufficiency.
- Static vergence and accommodation: population norms and orthoptic effects.
- Effectiveness of visual training on a population of cerebral palsied children.
- Accommodation in cerebral palsy: Function and remediation.
- Effects of training on near-far response time as measured by the distance rock test.
- Clinical therapy for accommodative responses: Transfer effects upon performance.
- Orthoptic treatment in patients with inertia of accommodation.
- Predicting results in the orthoptic treatment o accommodative dysfunction.
- Effect of oculomotor and other visual skills on reading performance: a literature review.
- Verbal and visual problems in reading disability.
- The effect of oculomotor training on reading efficiency.
- An investigation in use of videocassette techniques for enhancement of saccadic eye movements.
- Relationship between reinforcement and eye movements during vision therapy with dyslexic children.
- Behavior modification in vision training: facilitating prerequisite behaviors and visual skills.
- Oculomotor rehabilitation for reading in acquired brain injury.
- Perceptuallearning in adults with amblyopia: a reevaluation of critical periods in human vision.
- Can human amblyopia be treated in adulthood?
- Anisometropic amblyopia: is the patient ever too old to treat?
- Randomized Trial of Treatment of Amblyopia in Children Aged 7 to 17 Years.
- Success in amblyopia therapy as a function of age: A literature survey.
- Improving vision in adult amblyopia by perceptual learning.
- Interventions for strabismic amblyopia.
- Treatment of children with amblyopia by perceptual learning.
- A binocular approach to treating amblyopia: antisuppression therapy.
- New insights into amblyopia: binocular therapy and noninvasive brain stimulation.
- Interventions for strabismic amblyopia.
- Vision function recovery during orthoptic therapy in an adult esotropic amblyope.